A super easy Sunday brunch recipe for popover pancake(puff pancake) only requiring 5 ingredients!

Preparation List for Popover Pancake

  • Servings: 1
  • Active Time: 10-15min
  • Cook Time: 25 min
  • Batter Ingredients:
    • 0.5 cup(60g) all purpose flour
    • 0.5 cup(120ml) milk
    • 1 teaspoon(5ml) vanilla extract (optional)
    • 1 tablespoon(12g) sugar
    • 3 eggs
    • 4 tablespoons(57g) unsalted butter
  • Ingredients to serve with pancake (Optional)
    • Jam or fruit preserves
    • Lemon slices
    • Maple syrup

Popover Pancake Recipe

  • Make batter: preheat oven to 425F(220C). In a large mixing bowl, add 0.5 cup(120ml) milk, 1 tsp(5ml) vanilla extract, 1 tbsp(12g) sugar, and 3 eggs. Mix these together with a whisk until well combined. Gradually add 0.5 cup(60g) flour to the mixture while whisking to eliminate all lumps.
  • Prepare Baking. Get a heavy bottomed baking dish. You can use a Dutch pot, baking dish, or cast iron pan. I found that my 2.5 quart(2.4L), 9 inch(20cm) diameter baking dish works best. Bigger pots can work just fine but produce a thinner pancake. You can easily scale up the recipe using different pots and baking in parallel. Put 4 tablespoons(57g) unsalted butter in a baking dish and put it in the preheated oven. Once the butter is melted and bubbling a bit (Make sure it does not burn! It takes roughly 2 min for me but it depends on a lot of factors. Visual check is the safest!), remove the dish from the oven.
  • Bake. Add the batter to the dish and return baking dishes to the oven. Bake for 20 minutes, then turn the temperature down to 300F(150C) and bake 5 more minutes.
  • Serving. Take the finished pancake out of the oven. Gently use a spatula to loosen the pancake from the baking dish, working around the outside. Once the pancake is on a plate, serve with the syrup, lemon slices, and/or fruit preserves on the side.
5-ingredient popover pancake(puff pancake)

3 responses to “5-ingredient Popover Pancake (Puff Pancake)!”

  1. cool, this just showed up on my Facebook


    1. Hope you will like it! Feel free to repost on FB!


  2. loved these from my childhood/


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